Reasons why Europe needs to change its policies towards Syria

Damapost | Haidar Musta

After President Assad’s visit to China significant changes in the complicated situation in Syria are expected to occur. A strategic cooperation document was signed between the two leaders of the countries, Assad and Xi Jinping, which will lead to a new era of Chinese presence in the Middle East. This is an important aspect as it will facilitate the implementation of the “Belt and Road Initiative”. Therefore, Europeans should change their policies towards Syria and seize the opportunity to capitalize on future developments.

First of all, European politics have not achieved any results in the last two decades, neither in terms of interfering in Middle East conflicts nor in the Ukrainian-Russian war. They are solely responsible for the negative consequences. For example, the immigration and economic challenges. They are paying billions of Euros for US wars, indicating their involvement in US strategies and projects, without achieving any benefit for their own people.

Secondly, there is a main question to be raised: what is more profitable for Europeans? Being in constant conflict with Russia and China or remaining a part of the new world order. Taking into consideration that Russia, Iran, or China won’t allow them to take control of the trade routes in Syria or the MENA region. Not to mention, Syria is a crucial hub for these trade routes. Without it, they would not be able to reap any benefits from the trade routes or from the gas and oil resources in the Arab region as a whole.

Europe has clearly lost its key role and significance in terms of geography. Therefore, European governments should take the initiative to change their policies toward Syria, as they are certain that implementing their orders in Damascus will not be trouble-free. So, they should stop supporting radical armed groups in northern Syria and cease their attempts to replicate previous failed scenarios, such as supporting certain groups in Swaida.
These actions aim to create the delusion of a continuous revolution in Syria and suggest that the people want to overthrow the “regime.” Even though they know well that such movements do not represent the goals of Syrians, neither in Suwayda nor anywhere else.

Finally, if Western governments truly want to assist Syrians and capitalize on the political changes in the region, they must take numerous significant actions .First of all, remove the Western sanctions. Secondly, put an end to the hostile policies towards Damascus, including support for illegal groups, parties, and separatists.

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